There has never been a more fragile time for our democracy. If we don’t stand together, and stand up to protect the values of our system, we risk losing the freedoms our founders created — the ones we’ve been celebrating all week.
The good news: across the country, in state after state, we’re seeing people showing up and getting involved. Whether it’s in conversations about our country’s future, how citizens can play a greater role in politics, or deepening their civic education, many organizations are helping drive real change.
You can play a role right now by making a donation to help the Franklin Project continue to build and defend democracy.
Meet Those Defending Democracy
Starting a Conversation with Deliberations.US
Deliberations.US brings Americans together from every walk of life for conversations on critical political issues of today. By engaging Americans in balanced and fact-based discussions, the group helps to foster informed opinions and reveal common ground, bringing democracy back to the people.
Bringing Civics to Life with TVW
For over 20 years TVW has been offering unedited coverage of Washington state government, politics and public policy. Their most recent hands-on civics education program, Capitol Classroom sets a new bar for education in this country.
Close Up partners with schools, youth organizations, and other partners across the country to serve students and teachers through meaningful civic education opportunities. Our work includes a variety of in-person and virtual programs for middle school and high school students, professional development opportunities for educators, and classroom resources.
Don’t Wait Any Longer
The Democracy Corps is growing every day.
Did you have a conversation about democracy this weekend?
Tell us what you discussed and how you had the talk.
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