August 12, 2022

Tonight, Donald Trump responded to our ad that is running on cable news in Bedminster, NJ.  You can see his remarks here. The ad announcement is below.  

From Erin Dobson, Executive Director of the Lincoln Democracy Institute:

“It’s good to see that Donald Trump is still an avid consumer of news. Because that means he learned today that the entire world is about to find out exactly what secret information he was squirreling away in his safe. 

“Donald Trump should be afraid about what comes next. Information coming to light? Indictments? Arrest? What’s next for The Donald? And who exactly is talking to the feds?

“It’s not surprising that Donald Trump reacted poorly to the ad. He has an aversion to anything that tells Americans the truth about who planned and executed the insurrection on January 6th. Trump doesn’t want Americans to stand up for democracy and fight the authoritarianism, the lies, and the violence that he embraces and promotes. It’s time for Americans to decide what they support: democracy or despotism.” 

For more information on the Lincoln Democracy Institute, please contact: 

Lincoln Democracy Institute Announces New Ad Campaign

August 10, 2022 – The Lincoln Democracy Institute was created to inform the public about the nature of authoritarianism at all levels. It will point out where authoritarianism is taking root and share what Americans can do to stop it. The Lincoln Democracy Institute will also direct people to pro-democracy organizations, elected officials, and candidates.

The Institute is running a new ad asking Americans where they stand on the line between truth and lies, and violence and democracy, in the wake of January 6th. The ad tells viewers that January 6th did not end when rioters finally cleared the Capitol that day, but that supporters of the insurrection promise more violence and continue to threaten our democracy. 

You can watch the ad here. It will run on cable in Bedminster, New Jersey and is the first in a series that will run weekly.

”The January 6th Committee hearings show that the motivation behind the attack on the capital was to overthrow the election and destroy our democracy,” said Erin Dobson, Lincoln Democracy Institute Executive Director. “Today, we are asking Americans to decide if they believe in democracy, or if they want to see America succumb to violence, hate and ignorance.”

Previously known as the Franklin Project, The Lincoln Democracy Institute will respond in real time to threats to our democracy. It will repudiate the lies of the right wing media and push back against those who threaten to use violence. LDI is the 501(c)(4) nonprofit affiliate of the Lincoln Project. It will seek to defeat the forces that imperil our democratic system, reminding Americans of the values that unite us and educating voters on the urgency for all of us to participate in the democratic process.

For more information on the Lincoln Democracy Institute, please contact: